Patients With Psoriasis Shoulder Substantial Psychological Burden

In HealthDay News
by Healthday

About half of patients from a university hospital dermatology department had evidence of mental health problems

MONDAY, Dec. 28, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Patients with psoriasis have a considerable psychological burden, according to a study published online Dec. 22 in The Journal of Dermatology.

Wiebke Sondermann, M.D., from the University Hospital Essen in Germany, and colleagues examined psychiatric comorbidity and possible correlations between psychological factors, disease severity, and dermatology-related quality of life in psoriatic patients from a university hospital dermatology department. Patients were asked to complete a questionnaire, which included information on demographics, preexisting mental disorders, and data on substance abuse, and explored mental and physical health.

A total of 228 consecutive patients participated in the study between August 2016 and February 2019. The researchers found that about half of the participants had evidence of mental health problems, mostly depression and anxiety and alcohol dependence. A statistically significantly reduced Dermatology Life Quality Index and significantly impaired psychological and physical quality of life were seen for patients with a Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score of 3 or higher.

“Our findings underscore that clinicians should be highly aware of the impact of comorbid mental but also somatic health disorders in psoriatic patients and the central role they play in identifying patients at risk,” the authors write. “Dermatologists should take the opportunity to encourage psoriatic patients to make a change in their lifestyle if necessary by applying patient-centered communication strategies.”

Several authors disclosed financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.

Abstract/Full Text

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