No medical specialty has Black faculty representation in proportion to current U.S. population estimates
Tree Nut Whole Extract Sensitization Common in Adulthood
Whole extract sensitization is usually asymptomatic; storage protein sensitization is more reliable indicator of tree nut allergy symptoms
Adalimumab Efficacious Adjunct to Surgery for Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Risk for postoperative wound infection, complications, hemorrhage no greater with adalimumab versus placebo in hidradenitis suppurativa
Health Care Visits for Sunburn Are Rare
Most sunburn encounters occur in the outpatient setting and are treated by a dermatologist or family medicine provider
All HHS Health Care Workers Must Now Get COVID-19 Vaccines
Order will affect more than 25,000 clinicians, researchers, contractors, trainees, and volunteers
Americans Have High Trust in Health Care Providers: Poll
Trust in health care providers could be an important factor in efforts to boost COVID-19 vaccination rates
Fewer Cancers Might Be Missed With Full-Body Skin Examinations
Authors recommend that dermatologists perform a total-body skin examination even when a patient is referred for a suspicious lesion
Cutaneous Beta-HPV May Up Risk for Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Beta-HPV detected in skin swabs may predict cuSCC risk, but no link seen for serologic evidence of past beta-HPV infection
Targeted COVID-19 Vaccine Reminders Boost Uptake
Behaviorally informed messages were sent to health care workers who initially delayed receiving the COVID-19 vaccine
All Health Care, Long-Term Care Workers in California Must Get COVID-19 Shots
Order issued as the most populous state in the country struggles to slow infections caused by the highly contagious delta variant