Overall response rate of 69.7 percent seen with topical HDAC inhibitor; complete resolution observed for 54.8 percent of tumors on pathologic exam
Smartphone-Only Internet Tied to Lower Patient Portal Use
When adjusting for smartphone-only use, low income tied to lower likelihood of utilizing patient portal
Papers on COVID-19 in Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis Carry Risk for Bias
Risk for bias high in papers relating to patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis receiving biologic therapies
Certain Dermoscopic Structures Linked to Melanoma Detection
Odds for melanoma detection highest for presence of white structures, pseudopods, irregular pigmentation, blue-white veil, and peppering
Report Questions Benefit of FDA Accelerated Approval Pathway
112 of the 253 authorized drugs have not been confirmed as clinically effective; 24 of these have been on market more than five years
U.S. Medical Debt High, but Varies Geographically
Debt higher in the South, in lowest income ZIP codes, and in states without Medicaid expansion
Acne Negatively Impacts Emotional Health of Adult Women
Adult women with acne describe disruption to their personal and professional lives
Medical Groups Call for Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination for Health Care Workers
Mandatory vaccination is especially crucial to protect vulnerable people, including unvaccinated children and those with weakened immune systems
Disparities Seen for Racial, Ethnic Minorities in Outpatient Practices
Visit rates lower for Black individuals versus Whites for 23 of 29 specialties, with marked disparities for dermatology, otolaryngology, general surgery
2019 to 2020 Saw 1.5-Year Decline in U.S. Life Expectancy at Birth
Mortality due to COVID-19 had biggest effect on decline in life expectancy for both men and women, all races examined