Combination provides greater benefit than nivolumab alone for progression-free survival in untreated metastatic or unresectable melanoma
Atopic Dermatitis Exacerbations Seen in Premenstrual Period
Worsening reported in eczema area and severity index score, numerical rating scale worst itch, and dermatology life quality index
Antibiotic Choices for Skin, Soft Tissue Infections Vary by Race
Compared with White inpatients, Black inpatients less likely to receive cefazolin, more likely to receive clindamycin for SSTIs
Physicians Lack Knowledge About Responsibilities Under ADA
71.2 percent of the physicians answered incorrectly about who determined reasonable accommodations for patients with disability
Israel Will Give Fourth COVID-19 Shot to People Older Than 60, Health Workers
About 60 percent of Israel’s 9.4 million people are fully vaccinated with either a recent second dose or booster dose