Compared with placebo, vosoritide increased growth velocity to near-normal annual rate
Infectious Disease Least Severe in School-Aged Children
For many infections, even young adults have more severe infection than children, except for dengue
Air Pollution Tied to Neurological Disorders in Seniors
Higher fine particulate matter tied to higher risk for Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease
Incident CVD Up With Sugary, Artificially Sweetened Drinks
Risks for first incident CVD increased for higher consumers of sugary drinks, ASBs versus nonconsumers
Many U.S. Young Adults Not Aware of Stroke Symptoms
28.9 percent of young adults not aware of all five stroke symptoms; 2.7 percent not aware of any
Most Couples Concordant for Cardiovascular Risk
In 79 percent of couples, both members are in nonideal category for cardiovascular health score
ACA Protects Coverage for Pediatric Cancer Patients
Dependent coverage provision cuts risk for insurance loss by 15 percent
Hospitals Straining Under Weight of Surging COVID-19 Case Counts
More than 41,000 COVID-19 patients hospitalized across the country, a 40 percent rise in the past month
Mental Health Issues Prevalent in Quarantining Students
Overall, 42.8 percent of university students in France reported at least one mental health outcome
Metabolic Surgery Linked to Reduced Risk for MACE After MI
Risk for death, new MI, heart failure lower with metabolic surgery in obese patients with previous MI