Adjusted median life expectancy three years longer with bariatric surgery than with usual obesity care
Apathy in Older Adults May Signal Risk for Developing Dementia
Risk for developing probable dementia increased in association with severe versus low apathy
No Evidence Found of Vertical Transmission of SARS-CoV-2
Newborns of mothers with severe/critical COVID-19 born early, at risk for needing phototherapy
ACS: Virtual Postoperative Care More Efficient With High Satisfaction
Time spent with provider similar to in-person, but total clinic time shorter with virtual visit
Prenatal Cannabis Exposure May Raise Risk for Psychopathology
Findings seen in middle childhood, especially for maternal cannabis use after knowledge of pregnancy
Modest Increase in Patient Visits Could Offset Costs of Scribes
Model shows adding two new or three return patient visits per day profitable for all specialties
Time to Results Faster With Point-of-Care COVID-19 Testing
Time to results significantly shorter with QIAstat-Dx Respiratory SARS-CoV-2 Panel than with PCR
Reducing Drinking May Improve Pain Interference Symptoms
Improvement seen in tobacco smoking, cannabis use, cocaine use, although confidence intervals wide
Immune Responses Long-Lasting After Serious COVID-19
IgG levels remain elevated for four months in patients with symptoms lasting for 14 days
Surgeon General Issues Call to Action for Hypertension Control
Three specific goals can drive change in hypertension control in the United States