Disease-free, overall survival better for breast cancer patients with versus without subsequent pregnancy
Acute Kidney Injury Common in Children With Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Children with versus those without AKI have lower scores on tests of short-term memory during DKA
Risk of Severe COVID-19 Up Among Those With Diabetes
Risk for severe COVID-19 similar among those with type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Blacks, Hispanics More Likely to Test Positive for SARS-CoV-2
However, once hospitalized, Black patients are less likely than Whites to have severe illness, and to die or be discharged to hospice
High Blood Pressure Linked to White Matter Hyperintensities
Any increase in blood pressure was associated with increased WMH, even below 140, 90 mmHg for SBP, DBP
Adding Baricitinib Speeds Recovery for COVID-19 Pneumonia
Odds of improvement in clinical status at day 15 greater for baricitinib plus remdesivir versus remdesivir alone
Income-Related Inequality in Access to Primary Care Worst in U.S.
Among lower-income adults, those in U.S. fare worse on affordability of care, including skipping doctor visits, tests, treatments
FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Pigs for Food, Possible Medical Use
GalSafe pigs were created to eliminate alpha-gal sugar on the surface of the pigs’ cells
Mortality Up for Patients Undergoing Surgery on Surgeon’s Birthday
After adjustment for patient characteristics, surgeon fixed effects, higher 30-day mortality with surgery on surgeon’s birthday
Depression Linked to Suicidal Ideation Among Physicians
After adjustment for depression, no increased odds of suicidal ideation in association with burnout