Phase 2 study reveals high objective response rate for CAR T-cell therapy in patients with follicular lymphoma, marginal zone lymphoma
Children’s Depression Symptoms Up During U.K. Lockdown
No significant changes seen in RCADS anxiety subscale, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire emotional problems subscale
Metformin Use May Reduce Mortality in Women With COVID-19
In overall sample of men and women, metformin use was not linked to significantly reduced mortality
Obesity Increases Hip Fracture Risk Before Age 70 in Postmenopausal Women
Obese women have higher risk for hip fracture-related mortality; on average, they have higher bone density than normal-weight, but significantly faster bone loss
More Plant Foods, Less Red Meat May Cut Heart Disease Risk
Substituting whole grains, dairy, eggs for red meat also might reduce risk for coronary heart disease
Fear of Surprise Medical Bills Keeps U.S. Adults From Getting Care
Half of adults say a surprise medical bill would cause financial hardship
COVID-19 Vaccine Caution Issued by U.K. Officials
Warning issued after two people suffered adverse reactions on the first day of the U.K. mass vaccination program
All-Drug Overdoses Rising in Children Aged 0 to 10, 11 to 14
Suspected heroin overdoses decreased among youth aged 15 to 24 years from April 2016 to September 2019
Fracking Activity May Up Heart Failure Hospitalization Risk
Risk for heart failure hospitalization increased with pad preparation, stimulation, production phases of fracking activity