More than six in 10 board-certified cosmetic surgeons advertise procedures beyond the scope of their residency training
Physician’s Briefing Weekly Coronavirus Roundup
Here is what the editors at Physician’s Briefing chose as the most important COVID-19 developments for you and your practice for the week of Nov. 9 to 13, 2020. This …
HTN Visits Vary for Adults Living in Urban, Rural Residences
Higher proportion of physician visits included hypertension for adults living in rural, small-medium metro areas
NHLBI Trial Concludes No Benefit for Hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19
No clinical benefit found for hydroxychloroquine versus placebo in hospitalized adults with COVID-19
Incidence of Restless Leg Syndrome High in Pregnancy
Variation seen by race, ethnicity, which is likely accounted for by other risk factors such as age, parity, nutritional factors
DBT + Synthetic Mammography Better at Repeat Screening
Cancer detection rate higher for repeat screening with digital breast tomosynthesis + synthetic mammography versus full-field digital mammography
U.S. Nursing Homes Seeing Increase in New COVID-19 Cases
New weekly cases in nursing homes up by 44 percent between mid-September and week of Oct. 18
AHA: Patient CPR Outcomes Similar With COVID-19 Precautions
No negative impact on survival found with additional safety precautions for health care personnel during COVID-19
COVID-19 at Forefront of IDWeek Discussions
IDWeek chairs Inger Damon, M.D., and Tom Talbot, M.D., discuss this year’s annual meeting with HD Live!